A smiling pre-school student clutches a book to her chest at the Early Steps for School Success program (ESSS) in Barnwell, South Carolina.
U.S. Education Programs
Importance of Early Learning
Did you know thatnearly 90%of a child’s brain is developed by the time they turn5?Yet children from low-income families hear roughly 30 million fewer words by age 3 and can enter school more than 18 months behind their more affluent peers. In fact, millions of kids living in rural America don’t own a single book. That’s why early learning opportunities are so critical for children, regardless of their family’s income.
Our education experts work across rural America, providing early learning opportunities through Early Steps, Early Head Start and Head Start programs. Our school-age programs provide supplemental support to struggling readers during school, and in afterschool and summer settings. These programs are proven to accelerate achievement for at-risk children and have been replicated in more than 100 communities across the country.
School closures due to the coronavirus pandemic present an added threat—disrupting children’s education and placing their psychological wellbeing at risk. As national leaders in early childhood education, ɫƵis committed to help children and families during this uncertain time by providing learning resources for our nation’s youngest learners.