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ɫƵCalls Upon Biden Administration to Immediately End Deportation Flights to Haiti and Treat Asylum-Seeking Children and Families Legally, with Dignity and Respect

“The current response to the plight of thousands of Haitian asylum-seekers – including children and families – is contrary to our American values. The Biden administration must do better.”

Washington, D.C. (September 23, 2021) – ɫƵis deeply disappointed by the Biden administration’s response to the recent influx of Haitian asylum-seekers, particularly the to employ Title 42 to deport thousands of Haitian asylum-seekers – many of whom are families and children – despite the worsening humanitarian crisis in Haiti. Not only are Haitian asylum-seeking families and children being rapidly expelled on daily deportation flights, but there have been multiple reports of asylum-seekers being treated inhumanely upon their arrival into the U.S. 

“The current response to the plight of thousands of Haitian asylum-seekers – including children and families – is contrary to our American values. The Biden administration must do better,” said Christy Gleason, Vice President of Policy, Advocacy and Campaigns for Save the Children. “To forcibly return asylum-seeking families and children without due process to Haiti, a nation that continues to face unimaginable challenges from political contention to national disasters to a crumbling healthcare system to food insecurity, is unconscionable. We call upon the Biden administration to end deportation flights immediately, and provide Haitian asylum-seeking children and families with their internationally guaranteed right to seek asylum. Seeking safety is not a crime, and must not be treated as such. Children and families must be protected at all costs.” 

ɫƵ– together with its political advocacy arm ɫƵAction Network – will continue to advocate on behalf of children and families to ensure they are treated legally and humanely, with dignity and respect, and work with the Biden administration to end deportation flights to Haiti, as well as Title 42. 

Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. Since our founding more than 100 years ago, we've been advocating for the rights of children worldwide. In the United States and around the world, we give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. We do whatever it takes for children – every day and in times of crisis – transforming the future we share. Our results, financial statements and charity ratings reaffirm that ɫƵis a charity you can trust. Follow us on , , and .