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Milton* (9) and his grandmother Adelia* at a camp for people displaced by the conflict in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique. *Names have been changed. Credit: Sacha Myers / Save the Children.

Young Children “Don't have the will to eat” as Mental Health Crisis Grips Cabo Delgado, Mozambique

FAIRFIELD, Conn. (June 29, 2021)—Children displaced by the conflict in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique, are showing signs of severe mental stress and distress, including constant crying and losing the will to eat and play, according to new testimonies collected by Save the Children.

Some of these children are less than 10 years old and have witnessed horrific violence, including the murder of their parents. The aid agency is warning that these children might not recover unless they urgently receive mental health and psychosocial support services.

In some cases documented by Save the Children, children have changed their behavior multiple times, such as becoming aggressive, withdrawn, or overwhelmed by uncontrollable bouts of crying.

Clara’s* (6) father was killed when her village was attacked in Cabo Delgado. Clara* and her mother Mariana* (25) and baby brother Pedro* (3) hid in the bush for four days until they escaped. Mariana* told Save the Children:

“The day after the attacks, I went back to my house to pack some things. But it was too late. I found my husband murdered. I didn’t take anything because it was all burnt. I felt like I was breaking inside. I was crying and sad. I didn’t even have a wrap for my baby. I had nothing.

“My baby son doesn’t really know what’s happened, but he keeps asking for his dad. My daughter understands her father is dead. When she found out her father had been killed, she was very sad. She became sick, wouldn’t play with other kids and wouldn’t eat. She was upset and sad for a long time.”

Emerson’s* (8) mother and father were beheaded in the conflict. His sister is still missing. Emerson* and his older brother escaped to a transit camp. ɫƵreunited Emerson* and his brother with their grandmother Sofia* (46). Sofia* told Save the Children:

“I was shocked when the armed men attacked us. The attacks happened early in the morning and we ran and hid in the bush. When we felt it was safe, we went back to check on our families. I discovered my family had been killed.

“Emerson’s* parents—my daughter and her husband—had been beheaded. I felt so awful. Even now I still remember the day it happened. The men in our village had enough courage to bury all the bodies together. We could only dig the graves one meter deep because we were scared and had to rush.”

Celina* (8) and Milton’s* (9) mother was beheaded when their village was attacked, and they became separated from their father, who is still missing. They escaped and traveled to a transit camp, where ɫƵhelped reunite them with their grandmother Adelia* (55). Adelia* told Save the Children:

“[Milton*] was crying for two days and I held him. Me and my neighbor told him to stop crying. In the end he stopped crying. He won't see his parents again. Sometimes he spends time thinking about his parents because he's old enough [to understand what's happened]. He has mental health problems because he cannot see his mother, he can only see me.”

ɫƵhas been providing children like Celina,* Milton,* Emerson* and Clara* with psychological first aid and mental health support, including helping them re-establish age-appropriate routines and activities to support their journey toward developing a new normal, now that they are safe and reunited with family members.

Clementina, a child protection worker for ɫƵin Cabo Delgado, has provided support to 35 displaced children since June 2020. Clementina said:

“Many children are very sad. They don't have any hope they will find their mother or father again. They show signs they're afraid. They don't have the will to eat or to play because they're thinking about the past, about their parents, about their brothers and sisters. They think about their family. The children are broken-hearted and it's impacting on their mental health and wellbeing.”

Chance Briggs, Save the Children’s Country Director in Mozambique, said:

“The perpetrators of violence in Cabo Delgado are using abhorrent tactics that terrify children. As a parent, it breaks my heart to think of how these kids must be struggling to process the unthinkable. As an organization that works to protect children, ɫƵis incredibly concerned for their wellbeing and prospect of recovery. There are at least 364,000 children displaced by this conflict. At best, they have been forced to flee from their homes and sense of safety. At worst, they have witnessed horrors no child should see.

“This conflict has flown under the radar long enough. We call on the donor community to ensure that funding for children’s needs is prioritized. The international community’s Humanitarian Response Plan for Cabo Delgado is so far funded at just 13 percent and funds are urgently needed for protection, for health, for education, for mental health and psychosocial support.

“All parties to this conflict must ensure that children are never targets. They must do their utmost to minimize civilian harm, including ending indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks against children. Greater monitoring and reporting must take place of these violations, including through the Office of the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children in Armed Conflict mechanism, so that the perpetrators of violence against children can be held to account.”

Since September 2020, the conflict in Cabo Delgado has intensified with reports of increased violations against civilians including sexual violence, beheadings and abductions.

At least , are now displaced as a result of the conflict in Cabo Delgado. At least have reportedly died in the conflict, including 1,437 civilians, although this number is only reported deaths and it’s expected the true number is much higher. At least 51 children, most of them girls, have been abducted over the past 12 months, although the true number of child abductions is estimated to be far higher.

ɫƵand its partners are responding in support of displaced children and their families in Cabo Delgado. They have reached over 148,000 people, including over 86,000 children, who have been displaced by both the conflict and Cyclone Kenneth that struck in 2019, with education and health services, food and livelihoods improvement, and water and sanitation programming. ɫƵhas also been providing child protection programming, including family tracing and reunification (for unaccompanied and separated children), and mental health and psychosocial support for separated and unaccompanied children, child victims of abuse, and those showing signs of profound traumatic impacts as the result of the conflict.

*Names changed to protect identities

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