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‘Help Afghans at Risk’, ɫƵCEO Urges U.S. and International Community

FAIRFIELD, Conn. (Aug. 19, 2021) —The United States and the international community must simplify and expedite visa processes for Afghans fearing for their safety and wishing to leave Afghanistan.

Janti Soeripto, President and CEO of Save the Children, called on the United States today to fulfill its obligation under international law to allow refugees to seek asylum, to ensure for safe passage to protect them from harm, and to provide shelter – especially for children.

Hundreds of thousands of Afghans, including tens of thousands of children, have fled violence into neighboring countries in recent weeks. Some 100,000 have crossed through Iran and onto eastern Turkey, with an estimated 500 to 2,000 people arriving in Turkey every day since the beginning of July. [1]

The United States and some other countries have already made preparations to take in a set number of arrivals in temporary shelters, while others have announced their intention to keep their borders closed.

ɫƵPresident, and CEO Janti Soeripto said:

“It is essential that in the early days of this crisis, countries keep their borders open and ensurethat those arriving in their country, including children who have fled from violence, are safe and their rights are protected. Furthermore, countries should continue to accept Afghan children and their families based on the humanitarian need – not arbitrary caps.

“We are witnessing scenes of desperation in Afghanistan, where thousands of Afghans are trying to leave the country and are unable to do so. We cannot abandon them.

“At the same time as reports emerge of some mothers handing their children over the gates at Kabul airport to military personnel, asking them to take their children to safety, countries are closing their borders, and thousands of visa applications need urgent processing.

“We are asking the United States and international community to fulfill their obligations to the Afghan people, which right now means urgently guaranteeing safe passage out of the country for Afghans who may be at risk. Action must be taken to simplify and expedite visa processes. This is not the time for world governments to shirk their responsibilities.

“ɫƵstands ready to provide support to Afghan children displaced into the countries where we work, including separated and unaccompanied children. Our commitment to our work and staff in Afghanistan, to ensuring Afghan children a future free from violence, is as strong as ever.”

ɫƵis an independent and impartial that has worked in Afghanistan since 1976 to deliver life-saving services to children and their families across the country but has had to temporarily suspended services. The organization provided health, education, child protection, nutrition, and livelihoods services, reaching over 1.6 million Afghans in 2020.

We aim to resume our work on health, education, and child protection as soon as it’s safe to do so.


Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. Since our founding more than 100 years ago, we've been advocating for the rights of children worldwide. In the United States and around the world, we give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. We do whatever it takes for children – every day and in times of crisis – transforming the future we share. Our results, financial statements and charity ratings reaffirm that ɫƵis a charity you can trust. Follow us on , , and .