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Resources, Reports and Featured Stories

Browse Save the Children's reports and publications grouped by topic.
Our results and financials are published transparently in our Annual Report, so you’ll always know how your donations are helping.

Save the Children's Resource Library

Save the Children’s Child Rights Resource Centre is an e-library that hosts comprehensive, reliable, and up-to-date information on Save the Children’s and our partners’ work. The library holds full text publications with focus on child rights.

Technical and Policy Resources

This center is designed for relief and development professionals conducting assessments, surveys and case studies. It is also designed for analysts from governments, nonprofits, donor-advised funds, charity watch dogs — and many others — who need more than anecdotal evidence to make critical decisions. Our detailed reports show our results, efficacy and projected needs.

Our research on global health programs – nutrition, newborn, maternal and reproductive health and more.
Reports and peer-reviewed articles on the important work we do in education and child protection.
Results and more information on the work we do to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty.
Our policy research and advocacy aims to inform decision makers on how enhance the well-being of children and their families, particularly the most vulnerable.